Pubg vs Freefire : Which is Best

Pubg vs Freefire : Which is Best 

Pubg vs Freefire: The real king of Battle Royale?

There are very few games who actually successfully ruling the hearts of a million gamers. These days shooting games are attracting youngsters and kids. Battle royale games really getting too much popularity within a small amount of time period.

Some of the big name in this race is COD, rules of survival, Freefire and much popular pubg. These are all shooting games. Let’s talk about Pubg vs Freefire.

Pubg vs Freefire

Pug vs Freefire Which is Best in 2020

Pubg vs Freefire: The gameplay

                                         Pubg vs Freefire: The gameplay

Pubg: The gameplay of Pubg is in such a way where there will be 100 people on one island and they board to plane. The plane will go over the map that has been selected in the lobby by the leader of the squad or by you if you are playing solo.

Then you will decide where to land, you jump and navigate your character to the specific location, the parachute will open once you are about to hit the ground and then you have to find the gun and ammo and start to eliminate your opponent and the last to survive will find the game. Winner winner chicken dinner.

Freefire: this is similar to the gameplay of Pubg, where there will be 50 people on the plane rather than 100. The Player will locate the landing area and jumps and navigate through the map. Once hit the ground, they will start eliminating the opponent and the last man standing with the squad will win the man and if you are playing solo then still you will win.

In both the game the blue zone is a very important factor to keep in mind while in a game. once you left behind the circle, it will start giving you damage and if you can’t make it to the safe zone then you will die.

Pubg vs Freefire: The graphics

                                      Pubg vs Freefire: The graphics


Well if you have been playing Pubg for a while then you must have known about the graphics of this game. Actually it gives you smooth and balanced to ultra HD that means the ultimate gaming experience either the PC version or the mobile version. You will feel something realistic about the game graphics like very detailed.


  • You can see the detailed images in the game
  • Good gaming experience
  • You can spot the enemies from too far even if they are prone


  • First will be it will drain your device’s battery very fast.
  • It can produce too much heat that your finger can sweat
  • Not high specs device then the lagging will be the problem as well.


Here the game will also provide you with the different graphic options but you need to select according to your device suitability. As I know that the graphics of Freefire are not good as much of Pubg, still the player can enjoy their gameplay without any problem.

When it comes to the graphics, it is more of an unreal or you can say cartoonists sort of feeling while playing the game. Also if you ever played the zombie shooter game on your device that you will know how were the graphics of that game and pretty much the same aiming and shooting.


  • First, it will be the size of the game. It is very concise and small that anyone can download without worrying about the data pack
  • Good for kids to play
  • Any smartphone device with more than 1 GB of ram would handle this game pretty well


  • You can not see the detailed images in the game
  • Lack of good gaming experience
  • You won’t be able to spot the enemies from too far even if they are prone
  • Lagging and glitch issue can be seen

Pubg vs Freefire: The Guns and ammunitions

                                       Pubg vs Freefire: The Guns and ammunitions


Players’ unknown battlegrounds is well known for their varieties of guns. From the very first season, they have introduced some categories inside which there are more guns, the details are:


Assault Rifles

SCAR-L, M16A4, Groza, AKM, AUG A3, M416, QBZ95, Beryl M762, Mk47 Mutant, G36C

Designated Marksman Rifles

SKS, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, SLR, QBU, VSS Vintorez

Submachine Guns

Micro UZI, UMP45, Tommy Gun, Vector

PP-19 Bizon, MP5K

Sniper Rifles

AWM, M24, Karabiner 98 Kurz, Winchester Model 1894

Light Machine Guns

DP-2, M249


S1897, S686, S12K, Sawed-off, DBS


P1911, P92, 9mm, R1895, P18C, R45, Flare Gun, Skorpion, Deagle


Smoke Grenade, Frag Grenade, Stun Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Sticky Bomb

Melee Weapons

Sickle, Machete, Crowbar, Pan


  1. .300 Magnum Ammo
  2. .45 ACP Ammo
  3. 9mm Ammo
  4. 5.56mm Ammo
  5. 12 Gauge Ammo
  6. Flare
  7. Bolt
  8. 7.62mm Ammo


Well if there is something with can’t be matched with Pubg is a large number of guns and ammunition provided by the Pubg for making it even more thrill. Even the skins of the guns also create excitement in players and they even spend money on it. Some skins are free of cost but others you need to busy.


Bat, Pan, Parang


USP, M500, G18

Sub Machine Guns

MP40, UMP5, MP5

Assault Rifles

AK, M16, M4A1, VSS, Scar, Famas, Groza

Sniper Rifles

AWM, Dragunov, SKS, Kark98k

My View on Pubg vs Freefire

I have played both games. In initials days, I had both games because I had mix reviews form the gamers on these two battle royale games. But as time was passing, I started to notice the difference and I will go with Pubg. but this is totally your call that which one you want to continue playing. Both are good games

Pubg shows more of a realistic picturization and the graphics whereas Freefire is more look like cartoonist graphic which may be the preference of kids with not too high configured smartphones on them. Pubg requires good spec device to play without lagging issue or any performance issue


To be honest, both the games Pubg vs freefire are very much entertaining in their own ways. People have played both the games and shared their reviews on many platforms. It seems that the Pubg outrank the free fire in every possible way if we talk about graphics, maps, players, categories, guns, skins, customized areas.

One of the biggest reason to choose pubg is that this is more of a realistic and will amaze you with the graphic whereas the fire free will not give you that much of look and feel so in that case if you have a phone with limited specification and not that big space and ram than I would ask you to go for free fire. Any question regarding the article please leave the comment in the box given below.

Pubg vs Freefire : Which is Best Pubg vs Freefire : Which is Best Reviewed by ADMIN on July 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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